
It is no surprise that knitting is probably the most popular fiber related craft. Small and large projects, very simple or very complex, clothes, accessories, toys, decor – you can use knitting to add a personal touch to almost anything. It is extremely portable, so you can take your projects with you. A massive amount of patterns to choose from is now available in many languages, but with a little experience is it very simple to start creating truly unique piece if you like.

Total beginner, false beginner, or fairly experienced knitter, we hope to propose courses and classes that will give you the knowledge and confidence to create.


Provided we will have a possibility to use the community hall in Biot, as promised by city hall (or can find another free/affordable venue) we would like to propose a year-long knitting course for beginners (30 sessions between October 2021 and June 2022, no classes over school holidays – additional workshops may take place over these subject to interest).

These will be structured 1.5 hour classes divided into 6-week blocks, for beginners and false beginners to progress in two dimensions at the same time.

The first would be mastering various techniques, starting from the simplest ones, and building on that. The second would be gaining confidence and independence when following patterns. We will progress from understanding a simple set of instructions, to more complex ones, to adapting a pattern to your needs. The ultimate aim is knowing how to implement an idea independently, but this might not be achievable in one year.

Price – 90€ per 6-week block, does not include any tools or materials.


This course takes place across 6 classes 1.5 hours each. It covers the basic skills needed to follow easy to intermediate knitting patterns.

Course Outline

Please note that this is an approximate description. I may adapt the learning plan according to students’ progress rate. During each class we start a small project that will serve as a base to learn a technique, and as a homework to practice the skills at home.

  1. Knit and purl stitch, working in the round. Simple cowl or hat.
  2. Cast on, work forth and back, bind off. Pot holder or/and wash cloth
  3. Increases, decreases, lace patterns. Fingerless mitts
  4. Cables. Phone/tablet/classes cozy
  5. Attempting a simple pattern : swatch, gauge, simple adjustments.
  6. The topic will be defined together with students during previous classes

Techniques and topics that may be covered gradually across the whole course:
• Yarns and their qualities
• Needles and knitting tools.
• Reading charts and abbreviated instructions

Price – 100 euros per person, including a beginner’s kit of tools and materials (you may need to get more tools and materials as the course progresses).


This course will allow you to understand different knitting techniques and become more independent in carrying out your projects as well as produce better quality pieces. It is designed for people who know the basics of knitting. We will cover different techniques during the course, and the projects in brackets will be offered to you as homework to practice. 6 classes, 1.5 hours per class.

Course Outline:

  1. Cast on and cast off in several ways, understand how to choose the best method for your project. Different selvedge stitches and their usefulness. Mattress (invisible) seam. (Glasses / cell phone cozy)
  2. Several ways to increase and decrease. Lace stitches. (Fingerless mittens)
  3. Textured patterns. (Trivet)
  4. Cables and crossed stitches. (Cup warmer)
  5. Tubular cast on, bind off and ribbing, grafting.
  6. Let’s tackle a chosen knitting project together: choose material, why make a swatch, and how to make it well, adjusting the pattern.

Price: 90 euros per person without materials or equipment


Learn to create clothes that fit you and use advanced techniques. The course will be tailored to the needs of the group.